The Definitive List of Every Unread Book on My Shelf

Can I read them all in 2023?

Kaitlyn Varin
4 min readDec 18, 2022
Photo by Robert Anasch on Unsplash

“I don’t buy books,” said 2021 me. “I take advantage of the library.”

While 2022 me still frequents the library and makes use of Libby (arguably the best app in existence), I also started buying books . . . Around the time I took a break from reading books.

It was comfort buying.

I liked the feeling of going to the checkout with a book, specially picked out from the shelves, or unboxing a pile of books and smelling (that’s not a typo) every book in turn.

Don’t get me wrong, placing holds and picking up a tottering pile from the library is still a great joy, as is watching that pile shrink as I devour all the books.

But this is about my shopping sprees and how many books now sit unread on my shelf…

  1. Dinosaurs by Lydia Millet
Photo by Author

2. The Sleeping Car Porter by Suzette Mayr

3. Stray Dogs by Rawi Hage

4. If an Egyptian Cannot Speak English by Noor Naga



Kaitlyn Varin

Kaitlyn is a yogi, yoga teacher, runner, writer, and book worm. She writes about health and wellness, self-improvement, food, books, and life.