Summer Reading Bucket List 2022

Catching up on my goal and reading the books I bought this year

Kaitlyn Varin
4 min readJun 9, 2022
Photo by Angello Pro on Unsplash

To say I’ve fallen behind on my reading goal this year would be an understatement. I read no books in May and did not finish (DNF) more books than ever before. I’ve started and not finished more books than I can remember. My mind is going a mile per minute, and the idea of sitting still and reading is laughable.

Here are the factors impacting my ability to read in rank order:

  1. General restlessness coupled with stress and anxiety
  2. Going back to work and prioritizing my other goals ahead of reading
  3. Disinterest in what’s new and hot/the Women’s Prize for Fiction shortlist
  4. Library due dates, refer to number one to understand why

After completing my first half-marathon, I’m enjoying a two-week rest period, which means I’m not devoting fifteen plus hours a week to running, strength training, yoga, and stretching. The downside is that I’m starting a new full-time job after the two weeks are up—nine to five, plus an hour commute there and back. I’m hoping a return to commuting will equal a return to reading, but only time (and my willpower) will tell.



Kaitlyn Varin

Kaitlyn is a yogi, yoga teacher, runner, writer, and book worm. She writes about health and wellness, self-improvement, food, books, and life.