Kaitlyn Varin
Oct 29, 2020


Hi, I'd like to write about personal finance for Making of a Millionaire because I think it is the right place for my stories about the intersection of psychology and finance. I've always been interested in how we self-sabotage our own finances and fall into classic (and contemporary) psychological and philosophical traps when we do. I like looking at the questions: Why does one purchase lead to more? Why do we buy things we don't need? How can the "starving student" mindset both benefit and harm our personal finances as students and in the future? I think it would also be fun to use what I learned in my political studies degree to talk about how global politics can affect our personal finances without us realizing.



Kaitlyn Varin

Kaitlyn is a public servant, yogi, yoga teacher, runner, writer, and book worm. She writes about health and wellness, self-improvement, food, books, and life.